Please Note: There will be NO regular Church Service at the crodon Primary School Hall this Sunday (27th Oct) due to our Annual Chruch Camp.
Instead, we will be worshiping in Upper Plenty this Sunday, if you would like to join us, please contact us for details.

welcome to

croydon presbyterian church

At Croydon Presbyterian we are a community of people who are all about Jesus. We believe he is the most significant person in all of history, who brings hope and meaning through the forgiveness of sins he offers freely to all people (no matter what their past, their culture or age).

God Centered

We believe that God is our Creator and our Saviour. Life is found in getting back into relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, and living for Him.

Biblically Focused

We believe God has spoken to the world through the Bible. It is a relevant and life-changing message to everyone, even us today.


We believe that learning about God and living for Him is best done in community. As we meet, we encourage each other in our faith journey, and support each other in the ups and downs of life.

We are driven by beliefs and values



In the beginning God — He is eternal — He is our Almighty God, the Creator of heaven & earth. He gives life and He takes life away. Yet He is also our Father who has made His love, grace, mercy and justice known to us in His Word, the Bible, which is His infallible word and is the final word on everything we believe and practice.



We believe that God created the whole world and everything in it, and that He created it all good. However, we now live in a broken world because humanity rejected God as ruler, even though as Creator He is the only rightful ruler of the world. Now that we have a broken relationship with God, it is as though we are dead people walking – we might be physically alive, but we are spiritually dead, with no ability to save ourselves.

Jesus Christ

God demonstrated His love toward us by sending His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to live among us, He is both fully God and fully man. Because of our disobedience and denial of God, He sent His Son into the world to be the bearer of our punishment by dying on the cross, then rising from the dead and ascending into heaven. It is through faith and belief in Him and all he has achieved for us, that we have been reconciled to God.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy spirit has been sent from heaven by the Father as promised by His Son Jesus. He makes it possible for us to turn to God and to trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. He makes the death of Christ a reality to us, giving us spiritual life and drawing us back to God. The Spirit lives in all those he has spiritually renewed making us more like Christ in word, thought and deed. He guides us through life helping us avoid the pitfalls ahead of us and convicts us of our sin when we stumble and fall, helping us to confess our short comings and stay in harmony with our God and Father.

The Church

We believe that the Church is what the Bible calls the ‘body’ of Christ, a group of Christians who believe the Bible and the Good News about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, and whose purpose is to worship God and to tell others about this Good News. We fulfil this purpose through meeting together to read, teach and apply the Bible to our lives, praying together, encouraging each other in our daily journey following Jesus, and sharing with others that Jesus is the Saviour and King. We are an evangelical Bible believing Church, seeking to bring the joy of salvation to our community.

When you join us you might be surprised.

 For a church community we’re not that ‘religious’.
We don’t meet in a pointy stone building, but in the local school hall.
Our time together is not filled with incense and incantations, but rather we hear the Bible preached about God’s kingdom, sing songs of gratitude for all He’s done for us, and pray about our concerns.
After the service we encourage each other in the faith over some morning tea.
If you’re not that religious, I think you’ll fit in well. Come and join us on Sunday.

Come and join us and see what we mean.

We look forward to meeting you!

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

3 John 1:4 (NIV)

Opportunities for all ages to

Join Us In Worship

Teen Bible Studies

For high-school-age students we provide an environment for youth to fellowship together as they grow in their relationship with God through Jesus and put this into practice in their lives. These meet fortnightly after morning tea.

Sunday Gatherings

Every Sunday morning, we invite you to worship God through songs and relevant and practical teachings from the Bible at 10.00AM in the Croydon Primary School Hall. The closest car park entrance is on Kent Avenue, opposite Croydon Central Shopping Centre.

Sunday School

Children are such a valuable part of God’s Kingdom. Sunday School provides interactive and fun ways for them to learn who Jesus is and to help them grow and mature in their faith. Sunday School operates during the school term. Kids will be invited out midway through the service.

Mainly Music

At the weekly sessions babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and parents will be treated to music and story, activity and interaction, structured and unstructured fun.

Community Worship

The Dining Room

We join with a number of local churches to provide meals and practical support for the underprivileged in our area.

Small Groups

Small Groups operate most week-day evenings and offer opportunities for everyone to meet and explore the Bible’s meaning, support each other in our life’s journeys, and pray for one another.

Live Stream

A Live Stream of our Sunday service is available to provide for those who may struggle to physically join us. Visitors can contact us for livestream details.

Kids Hope

Kids Hope is Australia’s largest early intervention, school-based mentoring program for children experiencing vulnerability. The model is simple… One Child, One Mentor, One Hour a week. The impact… Immeasurable!

Let's Answer Your

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect?

We meet in Croydon Primary School hall at 10am every Sunday. The closest carpark to the hall is on Kent Avenue, opposite Croydon Central Shopping Centre. (See the map.) The hall in is the first building you come to.

Our service generally goes for about an hour. Toilets are at the back of the hall. You won’t be asked to speak, dance or do anything strange. Our service consists of listening to the Bible explained, singing songs together, and silently praying to God as someone leads us. After the service there’s some good coffee and tea on offer, as well as morning tea.

And there’s no need to dress up in anything special. Jeans, t-shirts, clogs are all welcome.

You will be given a welcome sheet as you enter, this will contain the Bible passage and all the information you need for the service.

You won’t be asked to give money at the service.Our regulars give online via bank transfer. 
Members can find nore information about giving in the Members Hub.

What if I’m not a Christian and don’t know much about the Bible?

That’s totally fine. We’re all on different parts of the journey, and we try to make our Sunday services helpful to everyone, whether you’ve been a follower of Jesus for a long time, or just starting to investigate Him.

What if I have a young baby?

No problems! Prams can be parked next to you in your seat, and there’s a change table in the foyer. Feel free to get up during the service as needed. We are not stressed if babies cry in the service.

What about primary school aged kids?

Sunday School operates on Sundays during the school term. The kids have a fun program that teaches the message of the Bible in an age-appropriate way using video, worksheets and various activities by volunteers with Safe Church training. For your children to be involved in this, you will need to sign your child in at the welcome table before the service begins. Half way through the service there will be an invitation for them to go off to Sunday School if they choose. (If they are not ready for that on your first visit- that’s okay! They are welcome to stay with you through the service.)

At morning tea there is plenty of opportunity to burn off some steam on two great playgrounds outside.

What about my teenager?

Teens are encouraged to stay in the service. There will be plenty of things going on that they can engage with. There are also fortnightly Teen Bible Study groups that meet over morning tea. (See above for more info.)

What if I have mobility issues or special needs?

There’s just 50 metres of sealed pathway from the carpark to the hall, and there are no steps to deal with.

We try to make our service ‘friendly’ to everyone. If you have a special need, feel free to call and talk it through with us. We really want to make you as comfortable as possible.

What does Presbyterian mean?

Presbyterian is our Christian denomination. We are a “Reformed church” and that means we focus on the Bible as the ultimate way of understanding God, we believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection is our only hope of salvation, and we come to God simply on the basis of trusting Him and His good promises.

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

Matthew 18:20 (NIV)

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Our Leaders

Cameron Grifiths

Cameron Griffiths

Pastor at Croydon Presbyterian Church

Having previously worked as a youth pastor for many years in his hometown of Sydney he loves to support youth as they grow in Christ. He serves our Croydon community alongside His supporting wife and their two kids.

Ryan Brightwell

Student Pastor

Student / assistant pastor bio goes here…

A short snapshot to tell us who he is.

Paul Veith
Paul Veith
Lindsay Fraser
Lindsay Fraser
Roni Tobing
Roni Tobing
Elder (On Sabbatical)

Keith & Noella Ridley

Church Deacons

Text to be confirmed

Get in touch


P.O. Box 4236,
Croydon Hills, Victoria, 3136

Contact Us

Phone : (03) 9725 5370 / 0421 316 417

Email : admin @

Service Times

Every Week on Sunday at 10:00am

in the Croydon Primary School Hall